Case Studies

Case studies reflecting on some of the successful national school feeding schemes globally and how SA can learn from these initiatives.

School Lunch Programme in India

The School Lunch Program in India (SLP) is the largest food and nutrition assistance program feeding millions of children every day. This paper provides a review of the background information on the SLP in India earlier known as national program for nutrition support to primary education (NP-NSPE) and later as mid-day meal scheme, including historical trends and objectives and components/characteristics of the scheme.


Brazil School Feeding Programme

The present paper analyses the advances and challenges of the school feeding programme in Brazil (PNAE), as part of the Brazilian experience building up an integrated food and nutrition security national system. It explores the role of policy and regulatory frameworks in constructing quality service delivery and intersectoral integration.


National School Lunch Programme (USA)

USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) administers the NSLP and reimburses participating schools and residential child care institutions for the meals served to students. Any student in a participating school can get an NSLP lunch.
